This project falls under the domain Smart Media. Smart Media is a cooperation between the professorships of Fontys Journalism, Fontys ICT (Big Data & AI and Design & Interaction), the profess
Robotics and avatars are all about the interaction between humans and computational intelligence, mimicking both verbally and non-verbally through artificial intelligence algorithms.
Virtual reality places a screen in front of your eyes so that you only see a virtual 3D world. Augmented reality places a digital layer over reality and Mixed Reality places digital objects in realit
Natural Language Processing Technology (NLP) is all about the ability of a computer program to understand a human language.
NLP is a combination of computer science, artificial i
3D printing in maintenance
Proeftuin CastLab has received OP-Zuid funding to develop the start-up CastLab, together with a consortium including MindLabs and Fontys. Current techniques and processes f
Care organisation Thebe and care organisation De Wever are investigating the possibilities of cooperation by using MindLabs. Three innovation themes were defined:
Innovation in learning and devel
A social robot was developed for L2TOR that teaches a second language to preschoolers. In doing so, research was conducted to determine how much children learn from a robot in different situations. I
VIBE (Virtual Humans in the Brabant Economy) - is working on the development of virtual humans (Avatars), which are used for training in healthcare. Virtual people communicate in virtual reality envi
Masterminds - VR & AR in maintenance
Together with partners such as Actemium and Marel, we investigate the effectiveness and efficiency of different training methods in VR and AR. Effective and effic
Within the MindLabs eco-system, partners work together on projects that address challenges in society.
This can range from multi-year scientific projects in which technology is being further develo