VIBE (Virtual Humans in the Brabant Economy) - is working on the development of virtual humans (Avatars), which are used for training in healthcare. Virtual people communicate in virtual reality environments with their human users through speech, facial expressions and movement. Avatars can be used in many areas, especially where frequent interaction is important, such as in healthcare. For example, they can help train nurses or educate patients.
Prof. Max Louwerse, Professor of Cognitive Psychology and Artificial Intelligence and initiator of the project: "Knowledge in the field of virtual reality is increasingly distributed among knowledge institutions and companies. What makes VIBE special is not only that we are developing virtual interactive avatars but also that the project is providing a stimulus for combining distributed talent from different partners in an ambitious project. VIBE therefore fits exactly with the idea behind MindLabs: the collaboration between Tilburg University, Fontys Hogescholen, ROC Tilburg, the business community and the municipality and province."
Want to know more about this project? Read the article explaining VIBE in more detail here.
Tilburg University is the principal coordinator of the project. Others involved are: knowledge institutions (BUas Breda, Fontys Hogescholen, ROC Tilburg), hospitals (Maxima Medisch Centrum and Spaarne Gasthuis), the business community (BlueTea, IC3D Media, Indicia, Noldus, Samure), and the Netherlands Aerospace Centre.