Jef, just to cut to the chase: what do you tell people at parties when they ask what you do in daily life?
With Flow Concepts I train coaches and managers in achieving team flow. For example, on the shop floor or within sports teams. We also give inspiration sessions to teams in the field. For example, I am in charge of Solar Team Eindhoven. We also develop various tools that we can use to achieve more flow in a group. From team activities to serious games. So we train, we inspire and we provide the right equipment.
How many others are telling the same story? Do you have colleagues? Co-workers?
We have 85 affiliated certified team flow coaches, active in the Netherlands and recently also in Belgium. They were all trained by Flow Concepts and are now passing on the message. That way, our ideas can spread like an oil slick.
How long have you been working with Flow Concepts?
I started my PhD research into team flow in 2009. Originally I was an organizational psychologist. It wasn't just me, but other people also seemed to find it an interesting phenomenon. Because I was asked more and more often as a speaker on the subject. At one point I registered with the Chamber of Commerce. Because I got to a point where I not only wanted to inspire more, but also wanted to put my gained knowledge into practice. I started training others as team flow coaches. And taught them how to work with the Flow Concepts tools I had developed. By now I have all the experts around me. The flow theory that came out of my doctoral research is now something we all use in practice every day.
And what is the ultimate destination?
I would love to see all people find flow in their work. That there is optimal cooperation. Then we all enjoy our work and perform best. That seems wonderful to me! We are now also working in Belgium. And Denmark is still on my list. They are very open to this kind of thing there. The country is ready for it, and so are we. So I think we will be active there within 5 years!
You are located in Building 84 in the Spoorzone. What does your workplace look like?
I now work in a large open space. There I have my own desk with a couple of computers, a flip chart and a whiteboard. At first glance I may not seem very structured, but I really am. I always tidy up everything. At the end of the day, there is never a paper to be found on my desk!
Why is the Startup Kitchen such a godsend to you?
The Startup Kitchen inspires. Because you meet parties that give you great ideas. And companies with whom you can enter into collaborations. Take Purple Mountain; at some point I want to do something with e-learning for coaching, for example. And I have a brainstorming appointment with Thebe. The Startup Kitchen also gives me interesting information about teams, because I get to see them up close. And things like serious gaming, and AI fit very well with my business.
What do you expect to get out of the collaborations in the future?
I would like to help Wever and Thebe with organizational changes in healthcare. Of course, there is a lot going on there at the moment. It has my attention, and I find it interesting to be involved with teamflow in that area. I've done a lot of research in that direction in the past, so I also really think we can help each other out.
What are you currently cooking up?
I'm currently developing an app. That will go live at the end of October, and it will work real time. If an employee or team survey takes place via this application, then you can immediately discuss the results together in a room. Very efficient and constructive! And it all gets a bit more serious; there will be an independent company around the app.
And what recipe are you going to astound the market with?
I give people insight into the magic of team flow in an accessible way, and make that flow very tangible. Because we have a large menu of tools, we can reach everyone. That is the power of Flow Concepts, if you ask me.
Want to know more about Jef and the Flow Concepts mission to create more team flow at home and abroad? At you can read all about it.