PRESS RELEASE: Healthcare organization Mijzo joins MindLabs

22 April 2021

Care organization Mijzo is the newest partner of MindLabs in Tilburg. The core of the collaboration is to look for solutions to social bottlenecks in healthcare, by making use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and new technologies, for example. With the expertise they bring, the various parties within Mindlabs strengthen each other and changes can be set in motion more quickly.

Necessary renewal of elderly care
The challenges in elder care are increasing. The number of elderly people is increasing, care is becoming more complex, and there are not enough employees to continue providing this care. If care is to remain available for future generations, it has to undergo radical change. Within Mindlabs, the various parties are joining forces to give shape to this transformation. After Thebe and De Wever, Mijzo is the third care organisation to join the Mindlabs partnership. Innovation is an important pillar for Mijzo. The care organization has an innovation department that supports the transformation.

Utilizing expertise
MindLabs director Loet Visschers is delighted with the connection of the new partner: "We are pleased to be able to connect with healthcare organizations in the region. With Mijzo, we are taking an important step in strengthening the healthcare sector through the use of innovative technology. MindLabs can benefit from Mijzo's knowledge of elderly care and other areas of expertise such as Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease and dementia. Mijzo can leverage MindLabs' growing network and support to make great strides in solving the issues on the table."

Mijzo board member Mireille de Wee on the collaboration and the reason for joining MindLabs: "Mindlabs can help us meet the major social challenges we face in healthcare. By deploying new technologies, we want to ensure that people stay healthy for longer and can continue to live at home for longer. Innovations can also ensure that certain care tasks become simpler, leaving staff with room for other care tasks."

About MindLabs

Growing partnership
MindLabs is a growing partnership founded by Tilburg University, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, ROC Tilburg, Tilburg Municipality, and the Province of North Brabant. The collaboration between the business community and knowledge institutions across the board is unique: from secondary vocational education to scientific research. MindLabs strives for structural collaborations in which knowledge and skills are shared in order to use innovative technology to solve social issues.

Four core technologies
MindLabs specializes in strengthening the interaction between humans and interactive technologies such as Robotics, Serious Gaming, Virtual Reality and Natural Language processing. There are currently over eleven projects underway that focus on the four technologies. For more information, visit

About Mijzo
Mijzo was created on 1 January 2021 by the merger of De Riethorst Stromenland, Volckaert and Schakelring. The working area lies between the four major cities of Tilburg, Breda, Gorinchem and Den Bosch. Mijzo is there for people with major health challenges who want to shape their lives in their own way. The organization offers support to the elderly, rehabilitants and people with chronic diseases. For more information, visit