On November 2, the next online DIGIREAL lunch meeting will take place. During this edition, we will discover how eXtended Realities (XR) contribute to the co-creation of knowledge and informed decisions.
Op 5 oktober vindt de zevende online DIGIREAL-lunchmeeting plaats. Aankomende editie staat volledig in het teken van AI-chatbots en deepfakes. Onderwerpen die in deze tijd uitermate relevant zijn voor de samenleving, bedrijven en onderzoek. Want wat gebeurt er als er op basis van publieke data chatbots en deepfakes ontwikkeld worden, en 'echt' niet meer van 'nep' te onderscheiden valt?
AI is a fast-growing technology that is having an increasing impact on healthcare. It can help improve the quality of care while increasing efficiency. What can knowledge institutions do for healthcare organisations when it comes to AI? And how and where do they find each other?
On Tuesday, July 11, the first edition of MindLabs College will take place, with the central question: What can you do with (Chat)GPT?