
18 JAN 2024

Innovations Insight January 2024: Student Projects Showcase


Innovations Insight is the ultimate moment when our students show you what they've been doing at the Fontys ICT InnovationLab and at MindLabs during this semester. They present you with their research projects.

18 JAN 2024
15.00 - 17.00u

Students will share their work and results and share their experiences about the process. They collaborated with professionals and researchers during their projects to develop innovative solutions to practical questions from their work field. The solutions are directly applicable to practice. 

You are welcome to visit our Innovations Insight editions on:
January 18th, 2024
Mindlabs Tilburg | 15.00 - 16.30

January 25th, 2024
InnovationLab Strijp TQ Eindhoven | 14.00 - 16.00

For more information please visit the website