
25 OCT 2024
17.00 - 18.00u

Data Science in Society lecture 1 - 'What’s BOThering You'


Join us for the lecture series 'Data Science in Society', hosted by the Master Data Science and Society and MindLabs. This series highlights how data science is being applied by partners to address societal challenges. The lectures are open to both MindLabs partners and the public. The first lecture of this series is titled 'What’s BOThering You' - Studying and Improving Student Mental Well-Being Using Computational Modelling and Chatbots.

25 OCT 2024
17.00 - 17.00u

The Data Science in Society lecture series is organized by the Data Science & Society program of Tilburg University to highlight the contributions of data science practitioners to real-world problems and societal issues. The informal lecture takes place in the Grand Café of MindLabs (ground floor) and is open to students, professionals, and anyone who is interested in applications of data science and AI. 

In this first lecture of the series, Valentina Bartali will eleborate on 'What’s BOThering You' - Studying and Improving Student Mental Well-Being Using Computational Modelling and Chatbots (in collaboration with Student Association Flow). The 'What’s BOThering You?' project, funded by ZonMw, is dedicated to studying student mental well-being, by identifying the network structure of mental wellbeing components over time and modelling this dynamic network computationally. This way, the project aims to uncover and provide novel insights into the complex networks of mental wellbeing components, leading to a multidimensional, dynamic and personalized network model. The model serves as input for the development and evaluation of a personalised and attractive conversational agent (chatbot) that can identify intervention targets and intervene effectively on a personal level. Such chatbots can lower the threshold for young people to seek help for their issues with mental well-being, using technology they already have experience with.

To register for this first edition, please visit the website.